Culture Shock
A Biblical Response to Today's Most Divisive Issues
Where do you stand on issues like: Truth, Sex, Homosexuality, Abortion, the Environment, and the Church and Politics? More importantly, what does God say? If there ever was a time for Christians to understand and communicate God’s truth about controversial and polarizing issues, it is now. More than ever before, believers must develop convictions based on research, reason, and biblical truth. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s equally important that you’re able (and willing) to communicate these convictions with a love and respect that reflects God’s own heart. This series will help you learn how to respond with love, even in the face of controversy. In the process, you’ll discover the power of bringing light – not heat – to the core issues at the heart of society today.
Profile Messages

Salt & Light

Has the Church been effecting change in our culture, or has the culture been changing the Church? Chip talks openly about how and where the Church must engage the culture and where we need to proceed with caution.

What Ever Happened to Right and Wrong?

Over the course of this series, Chip tackles issues pertaining to politics, the environment, abortion, and human sexuality. For starters, the search for truth - whatever happened to right and wrong? Think about it. How many situations, behaviors and actions, that used to be black and white, are now a dingy shade of gray? How did this happen? And what does it mean for our future? Join Chip as he unpacks the chilling facts about the diluting of truth in our culture today.

Human Sexuality: The Search for Truth About Sex

Parents! In this message, Chip will be talking about human sexuality. It’s direct, straightforward, and at some points, perhaps even shocking. Depending on your children’s ages you may want to preview this message before letting them hear it.

Homosexuality: What Do You Say to a Gay Friend?

Parents! In this message, Chip talks about homosexuality. It’s direct, straightforward, and at some points, perhaps even shocking. Depending on your children’s ages you may want to preview this message before letting them hear it.

Understanding Abortion: A Thoughtful Analysis of an Emotionally Explosive Issue

The issue of abortion in our society is so volatile that it’s escalated to near civil war proportions. Often it’s hard to get past the emotional rhetoric to hear the facts from both sides. Chip takes the emotion out of the debate, and looks at understanding abortion from both the pro-abortion and pro-life sides of the issue. He brings a balanced, informative perspective to this highly emotional subject.

The Church and the Environment

God created the heavens and the earth. We know that, right? But have you ever stopped to ask, if God CREATED this world, and He put us in charge of it, how does He want us to take care of it? Since the environment matters to God, then it should matter to us too. Join Chip as he explains why environmentalists and followers of Jesus have so much in common.

The Church and Politics

Do you remember the old saying, “There are two topics you should never talk about in public - religion and politics.”? Well, apparently Chip never heard that one, because in this message he talks about both - The Church AND politics! In our political system, we are either in, or preparing for, upcoming elections, referendums, or initiatives. Do you ever wonder how God expects His Church to engage in the political process? Join Chip as he takes a hard look at what scripture says about the Church and politics.